
About Zambia

Geographical Information
Zambia is a country found in the southern central part of Africa. It has a total surface area of 752,618 Square Kilometers. It is a landlocked country with no coastline because it is surrounded by other countries all around. It borders with Angola from the West, Congo on the North , Malawi and Tanzania on the east and on the South it borders with Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Namibia.

Basic Information
Zambia gets it's name from the mighty Zambezi river along which the famous Victoria Falls is found. Prior to being called Zambia, this country was called Northern Rhodesia when it was under colonial rule from Britain before gaining independence in 1964.
The capital city of Zambia is Lusaka located in the central part of the country. In the South, it has Livingstone as the tourist capital.

Zambia is a country of diverse cultures with about 72 tribes and over 60 ethnic groups. The prominent languages are Bemba at 33.5% of the population, Nyanja at 14.8%, Tonga at 11.4% and Lozi at 5.5% with English being the official language. The country as a fairly young population with the majority being youths.

It's people are friendly and Zambia is known to be an icon of people in Africa.
Like most African countries, more than 50% of the people are low income earners.

Economic prospects
Zambia is a developing country, and it has a capitalistic economy. 
Over recent years there as been massive capital infrastructure development, from roads, to schools and universities to bridges and hospitals to general infrastructure. There has also been the depreciation of the Kwacha which is the local currency and a rise in inflation rates (food and other commodity prices) during the same period.

The country is the world's second largest producer of copper trailing behind Congo DRC. It is also rich in gemstones and other minerals with it's green emeralds considered one of the best. Zambia is one of the three emerald producing countries in the world namely, Colombia, Brazil and Zambia.
Apart from the mineral resources, other sources of revenue and export earnings include, agricultural produce, tourism and hydro power.

Overall the economic prospects and outlook remain positive, the country is peaceful and beautiful. It is a nice place to be in.



Places To Visit, What To Do and Points of Interest in Lusaka Zambia

The Kuomboka Ceremony

Zambia; Political History